From Democratic Backsliding to Re-Democratisation:
The Role of CSOs in Poland’s Success Story
with MEP Karima Delli (Greens/EFA; France)
16 April, 20:00-21:30
Restaurant ORZO (plac Konstytucji) Warsaw
plac Konstytucji 5, 00-657 Warszawa, Poland, Poland
Following the success of the pro-democratic forces in Poland’s October 2023 elections, and steps to re-establish the rule of law, we will assemble to celebrate the Polish success, and learn from it as a source of inspiration and insight.
The event will bring together CSOs from Europe (Belgium, Italy, Germany, and Slovakia) and Israel to meet with Polish CSOs. This intimate gathering will offer a platform for reflection on the remarkable journey Poland has undertaken towards re-democratization, after years of concerning democratic decline. It will focus on collaborative learning and sharing of strategic insights, aiming to equip participants with actionable methods to counteract autocracy and populist movements within their own nations.
It will also serve as a prelude to a crucial year marked by significant global elections, including those within the EU, underlining the urgency of addressing the ongoing threat of democratic backsliding.
This networking dinner is supported by the Greens and Renew groups in the European Parliament.

The DemoCrisis Action Network is a platform connecting pro-democracy civil society organisations (CSOs) in Europe and the wider region. Its aim is to bring democratic activists and their organisations to support each other, learn from each other’s experience, and cooperate wherever possible.
Our mission is to foster cooperation among democratic activists, share experiences, and support one another in countries facing democratic backsliding or at risk. In a world where nationalistic populism transcends borders, our network seeks to provide global solutions and rapid support to democracy advocates worldwide.
The solution must therefore cross borders, ensuring that best practices and even moral support travel fast among freedom fighters across the world. Just like climate change requires urgent cooperation at a global level, democratic backsliding is an urgent wake-up call to act together. The DemoCrisis Action Network is connecting global solutions for a global problem.